Friday, July 22, 2011

Uber-Partisan Senate Dems Kill House's Cut, Cap & Balance Bill

This morning about 11:00 am EDT, the Senate Dems sealed their fate for the next decade. They voted 51-46 on a straight party line to kill the bipartisan House bill known as Cut, Cap & Balance. I say they sealed their fate because this will be the moment recalled in the future when pundits will say the tide of public opinion turned toward the GOP and heralded in another Reagan-like era. The GOP should use this vote to illustrate that the Democrats are the party of spend, spend, spend, and drive this fact home to the American public again and again between now and November, 2012. As I recollect, something upwards of 65% of voting adults were in favor of Cut, Cap & Balance in a CNN poll yesterday. When those who represent us vote against our will, there MUST be consequences. The GOP needs to capitalize on this for the next 15 months. So, if I am right, the Democrats did the Republicans a favor.

For the immediate future, though, the GOP needs to do their very best to hold the line on any spending/tax increases and get the biggest cuts they can in this debt ceiling deal.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ask Obama: What ARE You Going to do with OUR Tax Dollars?

Someone sent me this in an email, and it is just too good to not share:

President Obama keeps telling us what might not be paid if the debt ceiling isn't raised. That's the wrong answer to a question that America isn't even asking. In this new iCaucus Video, we call on the President to answer the real question:

"Mr. President, if the debt ceiling isn't raised and you're not planning on paying our debt obligations, or social security, or medicaid, or our military personnel...even though you will have more than enough money to do so...then what's more important and what will you be paying instead with the $180 billion that the government will keep collecting every month?"