Saturday, September 17, 2011

Obama Stoops to Gestapo Tactics in Desperate Re-Election Bid

Obama's people have really gone overboard on this knuckle-headed idea of Americans snitching on other Americans.  There's a website ( which is an Obama re-election campaign effort to root out all the supposed lies, smears, untruths and so forth that they expect to come from the right to disparage their messiah.  It is a place where the left can come and report things the right is doing or saying that makes the One look bad.  This site is supposed to arm users with the 'truth' on the issues so they can 'fight the smears' and convince their conservative neighbors where they went wrong.

As you can imagine, the site has been overrun with people sarcastically reporting all manner of silly infractions, such as: "I saw 6 ATMs in an alley killing a job.  It looked like a hate crime." Someone put together this hilarious Youtube video showing Hitler finding out that AttackWatch is a joke:

It would be funnier if it weren't so pathetic.  Are there any adults working for Obama's re-election?  I mean, really?  I invite you to go to and submit something.  Heck, the other day I saw a bumper sticker that said "Just Say No to Socialism" - maybe someone should go pick that knuckle-dragging subversive right-winger up and question him.  Do I detect the smell of desperation coming from the Obama re-election camp, or is that just the armpit stench of adolescent boys?

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