Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Tea Party is the Bad Guy? . . . On Planet Socialism, Maybe

On August 21st, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-California, said publicly in a meeting in a church: "I’m not afraid of anybody. This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to Hell."  After the wild cheering subsided, she concluded: "And I intend to help them get there."

And if that weren't nasty enough, another Dem congressional rep, from Florida, Frederica Wilson said on August 22nd, speaking at a 'jobs' town hall meeting sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus: "Let us all remember who the real enemy is. The real enemy is the Tea Party. The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that's to make President Obama a one-term president."

(By the way, isn't it the goal of any opposition party to make the sitting president a one-termer?) 

Now, back to those Tea Party villains.  Tea Party folks want to cut government spending.  We want the government to live within its means.  We want the federal government to be as insignificant in our lives as possible.  We want to make our own health care decisions, without government meddling.  We want our country to be energy independent.  We don't want to burden our children and grandchildren with insurmountable debt.  Yeah, we are the real enemy.  The real enemy of socialism, maybe.  Here's a video from Accuracy in Media that illustrates the absurdity of the Left's claim that the Tea Party is a bunch of terrorists:

There's something really wrong with America when elected officials can use the kind of inflammatory rhetoric the Left does and get away with it.  The fact that the old media (both dead-tree & tv news) condones this kind of talk (and in some cases, promotes it) is also troubling.  What happened to all the civility?  I remember a journalism class in college where we were taught that journalists were, above all, objective and didn't take sides in politics - but I digress.

In a country where only about half of the citizens pay any taxes it's easy to see that to get our fiscal house in order, something's got to give.  We can't continue borrowing from other countries to pay for our social programs.  John Edwards (former Dem presidential candidate) was right in a sense when he said "There are two Americas" - but in this case that means those who work for a living and those who expect a handout from the government.  My solution?  Everybody 18 and over must pay some taxes.  Everybody, including those getting welfare checks - a small percentage could be taken out of their checks.  As our illustrious leader said some months ago, "Everybody needs to have some skin in the game."  There should be a tax on all government handouts - SSI checks, food stamps, welfare, anything that can be considered income.  Abolish the Earned Income Tax Credit and set a minimum tax level that everyone would pay.  It would bring money into the Treasury, and it would make the half that doesn't pay any taxes feel more like they are involved in our economy.

Leftists like Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson vilify the Tea Party because they are threatened by it.  They are worried that the gravy train of wealth redistribution may be slowing down.  They fear that unhappy constituents in their district might blame them for it and vote them out of a job.   Here's a news flash for Maxine and Frederica and their liberal/socialist brethren: Maybe you should start your job search now, because come November 6, 2012, you may very well be in the unemployment line.

As Rush Limbaugh and others have said, this is a center-right country.  There are far more conservatives than there are liberals, and the conservatives are not happy with what the Left has done to America, especially how this huge financial crisis has been handled the last few years.  The Dems came to power by a narrow margin (52%) in 2008 because some of the more moderate conservatives in this country mistakenly thought they'd end racism by electing Barack Obama.  When Attorney General Eric Holder refused to take the Black Panther voter intimidation case in 2009, the entire country saw the ugly truth: racism is alive and well in Liberal America.  I don't think those moderate conservatives will be fooled again.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Note to Harry Reid: Wishing Things Doesn't Make Them Happen

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal published on Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that he expects the Tea Party to fade away. He even thinks they will lose seats next year. Read the whole thing. Oh Harry, if only wishing things would happen would actually make them happen.

It doesn't work. I've tried it, and Barack Obama is still president, Eric Holder is still AG, you're still a senator, and Medea Benjamin hasn't had any snakes grow out of her head yet.

When will the Tea Party fade away? When America gets its fiscal house in order and when all the closet socialists are voted out of office - how's that for starters? When America returns to the values put forth in our founding documents, that would be a time when I'd expect to see the Tea Party conclude that they are no longer needed.

As our president likes to say, "Change doesn't happen overnight." The Tea Party people know that it will take several election cycles to complete these goals. We are in it for the long haul. Mark my words, the Tea Party folks will be around long after Harry Reid has gone on to the big Cowboy Poetry Festival in the sky.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Caution: Spin Doctors at Work

Obama's spin doctors are working overtime. This from the Daily Caller:
"The left-wing activist group picked up the new liberal slogan bashing conservatives for Standard & Poor’s U.S. credit rating downgrade: “Tea Party downgrade.” President Obama’s chief campaign strategist David Axelrod and Massachusetts Democratic Sen. John Kerry both used the phrase on Sunday talk shows." And then Howard Dean parroted the same phrase, too. What a crock. Does anybody really listen to these blowhards anymore?

Tea Party downgrade, hah! If that's true, then I'm the long lost twin sister of Lady Gaga. If anybody believes that the Tea Party is to blame, they'd better get their head examined - they might be a living brain donor. Ever since the first 'stimulus' in 2009, Tea Party folks have been screaming at the top of their lungs: "Stop the Spending!"

Standard & Poor's is now threatening a second downgrade unless we cut spending. Over at American Thinker, there's an interesting article about the credit rating downgrade. Here are a couple of take-away quotes: "It is a good thing that S & P did what they did because it takes the debt fight out of the political realm and makes it purely financial." And: "Canada lost their AAA rating in 1994 but they cut spending and got it back in 1997. It will probably take us longer. What this mandates now is action. The time for talk is over." (Emphasis mine.)

All I can say is the Tea Party is right and Obama & company are wrong. Cutting spending is the answer, and the sooner the better.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Great 60-Second Video - FreedomWorks, Are You Listening?

Here's a powerful 60-second video from PowerLine. It's called Doorbell, by Don Brookins. Please watch it. It's one of the entries in John Hinderaker's $100,000 contest on the impact of the debt-laden economy on us taxpayers. If one of the Tea Party-leaning groups doesn't buy the rights to this and run it on tv over and over to personalize the economic mess we are in, they are really missing the boat:


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Liberals, We Know You Are Confused...Here's Some Help

Since the November 2010 elections, we know you liberals have been confused. Taking a real shellacking can do that. You didn't realize the American public was so against your tax-and-spend-us-into-oblivion policies. So, there's a reason you call us fiscally-responsible folks such nasty names as "terrorists" or "jihadists" or "hezbollah" - you are just confused. You need help. Here's some clarification for you: below left, a generic terrorist/jihadist/hezbollah guy; upper right, a typical Tea Party guy. See any difference? If not, keep in mind that the Tea Party folks want smaller government, more individual freedom, less government interference in our lives, less taxes, less spending, and a return to the founding fathers' philosophy as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. Terrorists, jihadists and hezbollah folks want to wipe us off the face of the Earth if we don't join their religion - and even if we did that, they would probably still want to kill us all anyway. Big difference!