Monday, August 15, 2011

Note to Harry Reid: Wishing Things Doesn't Make Them Happen

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal published on Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that he expects the Tea Party to fade away. He even thinks they will lose seats next year. Read the whole thing. Oh Harry, if only wishing things would happen would actually make them happen.

It doesn't work. I've tried it, and Barack Obama is still president, Eric Holder is still AG, you're still a senator, and Medea Benjamin hasn't had any snakes grow out of her head yet.

When will the Tea Party fade away? When America gets its fiscal house in order and when all the closet socialists are voted out of office - how's that for starters? When America returns to the values put forth in our founding documents, that would be a time when I'd expect to see the Tea Party conclude that they are no longer needed.

As our president likes to say, "Change doesn't happen overnight." The Tea Party people know that it will take several election cycles to complete these goals. We are in it for the long haul. Mark my words, the Tea Party folks will be around long after Harry Reid has gone on to the big Cowboy Poetry Festival in the sky.

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