Friday, October 28, 2011

Obama's Occupy Wall Street Gang

This is desperation, folks.  The Obama campaign cannot run on his dismal, failed record, so they fall back on the ONE THING he has experience with: community organizing, a euphemism for rabble-rousing or mob rule.  The compliant media covers it in adoring tones and doesn't show all the violence and illegal activity that's going on: rape, assault, threats, drugs, vandalism, theft - and that's just for starters.   The longer they stay, the worse it will get.
Obama supporter hangs 'generic' banker in effigy.

Newsflash: Vilifying and demonizing the successful people in this economy - who, by the way, are the ones who are taking the risk in expanding their businesses or starting new ones, who do the hiring for the jobs these so-called 99% want - won't force them to take on MORE risk.  Just the opposite.  (Talk about biting the hand that feeds you...)  They'll keep on waiting on the sidelines until the business climate improves - sometime after November 6, 2012 when the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue vacates.

Having angry mobs (a combination of well-heeled college kids, old hippie socialist/Marxist anarchists, criminals and just plain old bums) hanging out on street corners and parks in blue cities around the country for weeks on end is a terrific gamble for the Obama camp.  The 20-30% of the country who self-describe as liberals must think the rest of the country will agree with them and jump on the democrat party bandwagon.  They couldn't be more mistaken.

This phony, Axelrod-orchestrated class warfare astroturf will backfire on them, big time.  This kind of thing might work in Chicago, but there are a lot more of us in 'flyover country' than they think.  This country is much more conservative than liberal.  We don't like mob rule.  We are a nation of laws.  Domestic terrorism won't work on us.  Our American way of life is under attack by this handful of union rent-a-thugs and hangers-on.  We are not 'into' socialism, we love freedom and all the positive things that come from capitalism and a free market economy. 

This miscalculation by Obama, just like ramming Obamacare down our throats last year, has awakened a sleeping giant - patriotic Americans.  Come election day 2012, normal every day Americans will show the Obama folks just how much they like lawless mobs defecating on their doorsteps and urinating in their parks, spouting anti-American slogans, doing drugs and other disgusting things. 

Obama's new campaign slogan is "We can't wait" - well, we can't wait either - until 11-6-12.  Hope and Change - indeed.......

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Wall Street - You Gotta Laugh

I'm sure you've all seen this hilarious video, but I just have to show it anyway:

Hitler Discovers 'Occupy Wall Street' is a Laughingstock

This just about says it all.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Democrat Party Left Me

For Halloween way back in the fall of 1960, my mother created a costume for me called a "Crazy Mixed-Up Voting Machine" which consisted of a big cardboard box with a hole in the top for my head, plastered on all sides with pictures from magazines of both Kennedy and Nixon.  I remember watching the Kennedy-Nixon debates on tv.  After the election, I used to come home from school and actually watch Kennedy's press conferences - pretty unusual for a ten-year-old.

My parents weren't politically active, but they were Democrats.  They never discussed politics, at least not in front of us kids, but they always pulled the lever for the "D" candidate.  So I grew up a slightly left-leaning child, and when I went to college, thanks to the political climate of the 1960s, I leaned left even more.   After college, I lived in a forced-union state, and worked in unionized school systems, which are even more left-leaning.  Looking back, I have voted for some pretty stinky candidates over the years, simply because they were Democrats.  Like many others, I suppose, I voted with my co-workers and family, mirroring their political beliefs.  I'm very glad some of those horrible hopefuls lost their elections.  I'm not very proud of my blind support of those Democrats.  I think I was just lazy politically, letting the union 'suggest' which candidate deserved my vote.

I've been out of the union now for about 6 years, and my husband and I are small business owners.  It sure gives a person a different perspective.  As the 2008 elections approached, I was ambivalent about how I would vote.  I decided to read each candidate's book to give me some insight into Obama and McCain that would help me decide who to vote for.

In McCain's book, "Faith of My Fathers" I learned about the purposely broken bones and brutal beatings he endured at the hands of the North Vietnamese, and how he stood up to his captors for five and a half long years.  I finished that book and thought, "What a patriot."  Then I read "Dreams From My Father" by Obama.  In that book, I learned of Obama's somewhat unusual childhood and priviledged upbringing - a muslim school in Indonesia, a private school in Hawaii, expensive Ivy League colleges, his choice of friends (by his own admission in the book, he always sought out the Marxist professors, the structural feminists, and more radical black and/or foreign students) and his job choice - to be a community organizer - basically a paid rabble-rouser.  As I finished it, I remember saying to myself, "This guy is a Socialist!.....A guy who is running for President of the United States of America as a Democrat is a can this be?"  That is when I started questioning my many years of voting with the Ds. 

After the 2008 election, I watched as the Democrats shut out the Republicans in Congress every chance they got.  The forcing of Obamacare against the obvious will of the American people was the last straw.  At the same time, the Tea Party started taking shape in my area.  Curious, I went to a few of their meetings.  I found them to be sensible people who yearned for their country to 'get back to the basics' - follow the constitution.  They were anti-bank bailout, anti-stimulus, and for common sense values - smaller government, self-reliance, and all those other American values I grew up with.  I had found a home.  At Tea Party meetings, I also found other disaffected former Democrats, as well as some former Republicans, who were tired of their party slowly moving to the left, toward more social programs, away from fiscal responsibility and other core Republican values.

Now, as I watch the group of thugs in the 'Occupy Wall Street' mob (backed by labor unions and the Communist Party USA, with the tacit approval of President Obama), listen to leftists like Stephen Lerner discuss how to terrorize Washington DC, and see the hate spewing forth from Democrat Party faithfuls like Roseanne Barr, Michael Moore, Morgan Freeman, Janeane Garafalo, Alec Baldwin and other Hollywood 'celebrities' directed toward the Tea Party and other Americans, simply because they don't agree with them, I realize that the Democrat Party has slid dangerously far to the radical left.  Today, John F. Kennedy would not recognize his party.  As Ronald Reagan said in 1962, "I didn't leave the Democrat Party.  The party left me."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Obama Stoops to Gestapo Tactics in Desperate Re-Election Bid

Obama's people have really gone overboard on this knuckle-headed idea of Americans snitching on other Americans.  There's a website ( which is an Obama re-election campaign effort to root out all the supposed lies, smears, untruths and so forth that they expect to come from the right to disparage their messiah.  It is a place where the left can come and report things the right is doing or saying that makes the One look bad.  This site is supposed to arm users with the 'truth' on the issues so they can 'fight the smears' and convince their conservative neighbors where they went wrong.

As you can imagine, the site has been overrun with people sarcastically reporting all manner of silly infractions, such as: "I saw 6 ATMs in an alley killing a job.  It looked like a hate crime." Someone put together this hilarious Youtube video showing Hitler finding out that AttackWatch is a joke:

It would be funnier if it weren't so pathetic.  Are there any adults working for Obama's re-election?  I mean, really?  I invite you to go to and submit something.  Heck, the other day I saw a bumper sticker that said "Just Say No to Socialism" - maybe someone should go pick that knuckle-dragging subversive right-winger up and question him.  Do I detect the smell of desperation coming from the Obama re-election camp, or is that just the armpit stench of adolescent boys?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11: Ten Years After

I'm sure you remember exactly where you were on that clear September morning when you first learned about that passenger jet flying into one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, and what happened in the hours following that horrific event.  I know I do.  I was working in my school library and a co-worker called and told me to turn on my tv.  I said "Why?"  She said, "Just turn on CNN." and hung up.  I did, and saw the smoke and flames billowing out of the building.  As I stood, transfixed by this horrible accident, I remember thinking, "How could this have happened, couldn't the pilot have tried to crash the plane into some less populated spot if it had to crash land?"  Then I saw the second jet crash into the other tower, and instinctively I said "Oh God, we're at war." 

The rest of the school day was a blur, as knowledge of this event and the crashes at the Pentagon and in Shanksville spread and teachers and administrators struggled to find a way to explain to the students what was happening and at the same time mentally deal with the knowledge that we were in the middle of something truly nightmarish. 

I remember in the weeks and months following this national disaster, as we all witnessed at first the heroic rescues, and then the grim recovery work at what came to be known as Ground Zero, how we all joined together as Americans.  Nationwide, there was a  feeling of togetherness, of patriotism.  We had a common response: "We'll get through this and we'll get the people who did this terrible thing."  There was a feeling of real sacrifice, a shared experience that bound us together as a country.  We baby boomers finally knew what our parents had felt after the attack on Pearl Harbor and during WWII.

Fast forward ten years later.  Americans, conservatives and liberals, are battling and bashing each other, literally.  Candidates for high office are being vilified on the evening news.  Our fellow countrymen who are advocating the values our founding fathers fought and died for in order to create this great country are being called jihadists, terrorists, barbarians and worse.  Union thugs are beating people up.  Teen 'flash mobs' are terrorizing neighborhoods and killing vulnerable people for fun.  Political figures are getting death threats.  People who once were friends no longer speak to each other because they can't tolerate their differing political views. 

It reminds me of a portion of that William Butler Yeats poem, The Second Coming:

Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

I hope and pray we don't have another terrorist attack on our homeland.  But ten years later, it seems we may have already lost this war.  Our economy is in tatters.  Confidence in our great nation is crumbling.  Politically, we are tearing ourselves apart.  Morale in this nation is at a very low point.  It's as if the terrorists have won.  Will we ever recover from the attacks on September 11, 2001?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I Guess This Should Be Obvious, But It Needs to Be Said Nonetheless

Contrary to what most of the media report, Tea Party members are not bigots or racists.  We are not terrorists.  We believe in fiscal responsibility, smaller government, adherence to the constitution, the free enterprise system, less government regulation and less taxes.  Does that sound like terrorists, bigots or racists?  Don't believe everything you hear on the nightly news.

Everyone is welcome at tea party meetings, which are always held in public places.  We don't check party affiliation at the door, but I'm sure we have republicans, democrats and independents that attend our meetings, and probably a few libertarians and constitution party members, too. 

Here is the agenda of a typical tea party meeting: recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance (the same one children used to recite in grade school - why and when did this stop? - but that's another blog entry); a review of any old business (which might be a report on a recent blood drive or a discussion of how the last parade went and what the turnout was); new business (usually a list of upcoming events members might be interested in attending, such as a political fundraiser, a congress person's town hall meeting, and usually an urging to attend our local government meetings, to be informed of local issues); and then we have a speaker or two.  Speakers in the past months have been prospective political candidates (all parties are welcome, but so far, only the GOP has responded), our local state rep giving us an update of what bills he voted yea or nay on and why, a person talking about his research into the health effects of living near wind turbines (a big issue around here), etc. 

I'm pretty sure this is the same kind of stuff that is going on at tea party meetings all over the country.  If you are still wondering whether the media is right and the tea party folks are agents of the devil, gather up all your courage, bring a few friends, and attend a tea party meeting.  You'll find a nice group of folks (most likely your neighbors) who are just fed up with the mess our country has gotten into over the last decade or more, who want to educate themselves so they can elect like-minded people in the future who will bring our country back from the brink of economic self-destruction.  Many are worried about what the future holds for their children and grandchildren.  If that's not scary, I don't know what is.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Tea Party is the Bad Guy? . . . On Planet Socialism, Maybe

On August 21st, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-California, said publicly in a meeting in a church: "I’m not afraid of anybody. This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to Hell."  After the wild cheering subsided, she concluded: "And I intend to help them get there."

And if that weren't nasty enough, another Dem congressional rep, from Florida, Frederica Wilson said on August 22nd, speaking at a 'jobs' town hall meeting sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus: "Let us all remember who the real enemy is. The real enemy is the Tea Party. The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that's to make President Obama a one-term president."

(By the way, isn't it the goal of any opposition party to make the sitting president a one-termer?) 

Now, back to those Tea Party villains.  Tea Party folks want to cut government spending.  We want the government to live within its means.  We want the federal government to be as insignificant in our lives as possible.  We want to make our own health care decisions, without government meddling.  We want our country to be energy independent.  We don't want to burden our children and grandchildren with insurmountable debt.  Yeah, we are the real enemy.  The real enemy of socialism, maybe.  Here's a video from Accuracy in Media that illustrates the absurdity of the Left's claim that the Tea Party is a bunch of terrorists:

There's something really wrong with America when elected officials can use the kind of inflammatory rhetoric the Left does and get away with it.  The fact that the old media (both dead-tree & tv news) condones this kind of talk (and in some cases, promotes it) is also troubling.  What happened to all the civility?  I remember a journalism class in college where we were taught that journalists were, above all, objective and didn't take sides in politics - but I digress.

In a country where only about half of the citizens pay any taxes it's easy to see that to get our fiscal house in order, something's got to give.  We can't continue borrowing from other countries to pay for our social programs.  John Edwards (former Dem presidential candidate) was right in a sense when he said "There are two Americas" - but in this case that means those who work for a living and those who expect a handout from the government.  My solution?  Everybody 18 and over must pay some taxes.  Everybody, including those getting welfare checks - a small percentage could be taken out of their checks.  As our illustrious leader said some months ago, "Everybody needs to have some skin in the game."  There should be a tax on all government handouts - SSI checks, food stamps, welfare, anything that can be considered income.  Abolish the Earned Income Tax Credit and set a minimum tax level that everyone would pay.  It would bring money into the Treasury, and it would make the half that doesn't pay any taxes feel more like they are involved in our economy.

Leftists like Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson vilify the Tea Party because they are threatened by it.  They are worried that the gravy train of wealth redistribution may be slowing down.  They fear that unhappy constituents in their district might blame them for it and vote them out of a job.   Here's a news flash for Maxine and Frederica and their liberal/socialist brethren: Maybe you should start your job search now, because come November 6, 2012, you may very well be in the unemployment line.

As Rush Limbaugh and others have said, this is a center-right country.  There are far more conservatives than there are liberals, and the conservatives are not happy with what the Left has done to America, especially how this huge financial crisis has been handled the last few years.  The Dems came to power by a narrow margin (52%) in 2008 because some of the more moderate conservatives in this country mistakenly thought they'd end racism by electing Barack Obama.  When Attorney General Eric Holder refused to take the Black Panther voter intimidation case in 2009, the entire country saw the ugly truth: racism is alive and well in Liberal America.  I don't think those moderate conservatives will be fooled again.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Note to Harry Reid: Wishing Things Doesn't Make Them Happen

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal published on Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that he expects the Tea Party to fade away. He even thinks they will lose seats next year. Read the whole thing. Oh Harry, if only wishing things would happen would actually make them happen.

It doesn't work. I've tried it, and Barack Obama is still president, Eric Holder is still AG, you're still a senator, and Medea Benjamin hasn't had any snakes grow out of her head yet.

When will the Tea Party fade away? When America gets its fiscal house in order and when all the closet socialists are voted out of office - how's that for starters? When America returns to the values put forth in our founding documents, that would be a time when I'd expect to see the Tea Party conclude that they are no longer needed.

As our president likes to say, "Change doesn't happen overnight." The Tea Party people know that it will take several election cycles to complete these goals. We are in it for the long haul. Mark my words, the Tea Party folks will be around long after Harry Reid has gone on to the big Cowboy Poetry Festival in the sky.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Caution: Spin Doctors at Work

Obama's spin doctors are working overtime. This from the Daily Caller:
"The left-wing activist group picked up the new liberal slogan bashing conservatives for Standard & Poor’s U.S. credit rating downgrade: “Tea Party downgrade.” President Obama’s chief campaign strategist David Axelrod and Massachusetts Democratic Sen. John Kerry both used the phrase on Sunday talk shows." And then Howard Dean parroted the same phrase, too. What a crock. Does anybody really listen to these blowhards anymore?

Tea Party downgrade, hah! If that's true, then I'm the long lost twin sister of Lady Gaga. If anybody believes that the Tea Party is to blame, they'd better get their head examined - they might be a living brain donor. Ever since the first 'stimulus' in 2009, Tea Party folks have been screaming at the top of their lungs: "Stop the Spending!"

Standard & Poor's is now threatening a second downgrade unless we cut spending. Over at American Thinker, there's an interesting article about the credit rating downgrade. Here are a couple of take-away quotes: "It is a good thing that S & P did what they did because it takes the debt fight out of the political realm and makes it purely financial." And: "Canada lost their AAA rating in 1994 but they cut spending and got it back in 1997. It will probably take us longer. What this mandates now is action. The time for talk is over." (Emphasis mine.)

All I can say is the Tea Party is right and Obama & company are wrong. Cutting spending is the answer, and the sooner the better.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Great 60-Second Video - FreedomWorks, Are You Listening?

Here's a powerful 60-second video from PowerLine. It's called Doorbell, by Don Brookins. Please watch it. It's one of the entries in John Hinderaker's $100,000 contest on the impact of the debt-laden economy on us taxpayers. If one of the Tea Party-leaning groups doesn't buy the rights to this and run it on tv over and over to personalize the economic mess we are in, they are really missing the boat:


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Liberals, We Know You Are Confused...Here's Some Help

Since the November 2010 elections, we know you liberals have been confused. Taking a real shellacking can do that. You didn't realize the American public was so against your tax-and-spend-us-into-oblivion policies. So, there's a reason you call us fiscally-responsible folks such nasty names as "terrorists" or "jihadists" or "hezbollah" - you are just confused. You need help. Here's some clarification for you: below left, a generic terrorist/jihadist/hezbollah guy; upper right, a typical Tea Party guy. See any difference? If not, keep in mind that the Tea Party folks want smaller government, more individual freedom, less government interference in our lives, less taxes, less spending, and a return to the founding fathers' philosophy as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. Terrorists, jihadists and hezbollah folks want to wipe us off the face of the Earth if we don't join their religion - and even if we did that, they would probably still want to kill us all anyway. Big difference!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Uber-Partisan Senate Dems Kill House's Cut, Cap & Balance Bill

This morning about 11:00 am EDT, the Senate Dems sealed their fate for the next decade. They voted 51-46 on a straight party line to kill the bipartisan House bill known as Cut, Cap & Balance. I say they sealed their fate because this will be the moment recalled in the future when pundits will say the tide of public opinion turned toward the GOP and heralded in another Reagan-like era. The GOP should use this vote to illustrate that the Democrats are the party of spend, spend, spend, and drive this fact home to the American public again and again between now and November, 2012. As I recollect, something upwards of 65% of voting adults were in favor of Cut, Cap & Balance in a CNN poll yesterday. When those who represent us vote against our will, there MUST be consequences. The GOP needs to capitalize on this for the next 15 months. So, if I am right, the Democrats did the Republicans a favor.

For the immediate future, though, the GOP needs to do their very best to hold the line on any spending/tax increases and get the biggest cuts they can in this debt ceiling deal.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ask Obama: What ARE You Going to do with OUR Tax Dollars?

Someone sent me this in an email, and it is just too good to not share:

President Obama keeps telling us what might not be paid if the debt ceiling isn't raised. That's the wrong answer to a question that America isn't even asking. In this new iCaucus Video, we call on the President to answer the real question:

"Mr. President, if the debt ceiling isn't raised and you're not planning on paying our debt obligations, or social security, or medicaid, or our military personnel...even though you will have more than enough money to do so...then what's more important and what will you be paying instead with the $180 billion that the government will keep collecting every month?"